What are the barriers to entry – or the obstacles that I need to overcome and how can I use my strengths to overcome these challenges?
The La Paz amphitheater project has multiple barriers and obstacles that Cane and I will have to overcome. Our first obstacle is the limited time we both have to complete the project. We only have about two years to plan, design and build the stage, so time management will definitely be important throughout our project. We need to use the ib learner profile trait of balanced so Cane and i can distribute our time effectively between school, dance, and our social life to achieve the building of the La Paz amphitheater. We both will need to show dedication, responsibility and perseverance because the completion of this project requires all of these strengths. During CAS class we will need to optimize our time by communicating together about our plans and schedule meetings that are important for the initial development of the project. Later on when the project is more advanced and developed there will be multiple weekends where we both need to spend time to plan effective fundraisers, design the stage plans and work with the construction. Another challenge we have is that the construction of the stage will require sufficient funding, we have estimated that about more than $140,000 are needed to have enough material and resources for the construction. At first when brainstorming about the project Cane and I were not sure if we should undertake this project since we were uncertain about whether or not the project is feasible or not. Undertaking this CAS project we will demonstrate the IB learner profile trait of risk takers. We will develop this project with motivation and passion even though we know there will be multiple challenges to overcome.
Who do I have to work with while planning the activity? How do they impact the activity?
For this CAS project Cane and I will need to collaborate with many different people and organizations that will help support us and lead us towards success. One of the most important groups of people that we will need to have a strong teamwork with will be the school, La Paz Community School. The school will be in charge of providing the space for the construction of the stage, without the schools help with the offer of the land we maybe wouldn’t have decided to undertake the CAS project since buying land is one of the most expensive investments. Thanks to La Paz one major investment will be reduced from our planning process. This of course doesn’t mean we won’t have to pay anything, which is why Cane and I will need to organize effective fundraisers and find strong sponsors that will support us during the process. We will need to use the IB learner profile trait of communicators with the school administration since they will be our main partners during the development, planning and execution. During our project it will also be important to find strong sponsors that have the desire to participate and collaborate in our project. We need to build valuable relationships with the sponsors because it will take teamwork to make this project work. Elevate movement studio will work with us during the whole project process since they are one of the main benefiting organizations from the construction of the stage.
Who am I meeting? How are they important to my project?
We will need to have meetings with Mr. Able often because he is in charge of the school and is an important internal voice that will help during the project. Without Mr Able’s support our CAS project wouldn’t have the same level of opportunity that it does now since it would take us more time to find someone who we could have so much trust in. We will also meet multiple members of the community such as members of organizations, leaders, and sponsors that will collaborate with the both of us. Gaby, elevate movements studio’s director, will also collaborate with us closely during the project because she is one of the main reasons that inspired our desire to create this stage that will benefit the community in diverse ways. Meeting new people will be a big part of finding these connections that will help us move forward with our plans and goals. Because we will meet new people and make new connections we both need to implement our IB learner profile traits of principled, caring and communicators.
What is the value of the project? How does it affect others?
This project is extremely valuable for many people because it’s a change that the community needs and we will help solve a problem that exists in our community. Elevate movement studio has had hard moments through the last few years during the preparation for the upcoming dance recitals. This is because there arent any stages around us that are feasible, are available, or whose main goal is to promote and value art. Both Cane and I have experienced this since we are a part of the studio, and it is what inspired our project. Our goal is to show how anything is possible, how you can dream big even when things seem impossible. Constructing a whole stage in only two years while sti;l being in school and having a life outside of school is definitely a challenge. We both know taht but we are willing to take risks and show perseverance because we know how meaningful this project will be. It will create a huge impact in our community by creating space that will spread awareness and value art. Art is important and many places don’t value it as much as it should be, art is important and we want our community and the world to know that. It’s not just a stage we are trying to build, it’s a community of artists and humans who care and appreciate each other for the love they have for their passions. We will spread the message of how anything is possible and how it is important to help in all the ways possible even when it seems like you can’t.
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