March 1, 2023

To start this CAS project we wanted to care for our dance studio since it’s done a lot for us so we focused on the caring aspect of the core values. Caring for the space, the dancers and the dance community that revolves around it. Through this we have had to become more risk takers and take on a project that could be challenging since bringing many people in our community through art is not very seen, we had to talk to people we don’t usually talk to and confront new challenges interacting with the risk taker core value. As dancers and students we have to balance both sports and education, since we visit the studio almost every day of the week we have enough time to talk to our teachers and be in that environment, we have to balance school, dance, and the project which is a challenge but will help up practice the balanced aspect of the core values.


Culture is a big part of our studio since its constructed by very different quantities of cultures, me and my partner both come from 2 completely different cultures. By working together we realize how our culture and values from home are shown through our work. We have to value the help we receive from the community and our studio.

Going to the studio everyday and seeing the space and hearing the other dancers talk about the changes they want to see in our studio and the art in our community keeps us motivated to add our part to help.

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