March 14, 2023

This week we worked on organizing the schedule of the show. Gaby sent us an email with information about the dances that will be in the show, what groups will be performing so that we could start making the program book that will be given to the audience the day of the show. At first me and Cane were confused because we weren’t sure of how we had to organize the information. By talking with Gaby through WhatsApp we were able to understand what her vision was. Based on her vision we started designing the program book, we explored our creative thinking skills and were able to start with a base for the program. It felt good to take on this new challenge because it made me feel productive and motivated since I was helping. It shows how we care about our project and how we want to help Gaby to help create this festival. Working collaboratively with Gaby has taught me that it’s important to work with people that you are comfortable with and are open to communicate with. The three of us have shown how working collaboratively is effective and we all work well as a team. I took some time during my weekend to work on the program because I knew Gaby needed a draft before this week. This week we will finish the program since we still need to check the order of the groups and soloists as well as adding the music for each dance and adding to the design.

Created By: Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Spread & Support Art

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