May 9 2023

What was accomplished last week? Last week we started to build the design for the wall that we are going to renovate at the studio. With this wall we are taking on a new creative challenge, we need to make this wall memorable but also fit with the vibe at the studio and at the same time be functional. It's also important for us to do this wall together and work collaboratively with the other dancers so we have their perspectives and ideas as well. We need to make a plan to go one weekend where we can all go together to paint, build and decorate the wall. Me and Cane are in charge of initiating this activity and have to organize how we will make it work and the schedule to make it as efficient and fun as possible.      This is what Cane and i have designed so far (our first draft):
  • The four hands are going to be dedicated for the four seniors that are leaving this year (grace, alexa, ava and hunter) . They will paint their hands with white paint then place them on the corners of the wall, write their name and maybe a quote that identifies them.
  • The wall is originally purple but we want to make it black to help make the decoration contrast and pop out more.
  • In the middle of the wall we want to build a wooden sign with the elevate logo
  • The wooden shelves pop out with the black and in then we will place black and white pictures from dancers at the studio
  • The bottom shelf has a little box with a pen and note cards beside it because we want to make that a room for the dancers to write suggestions or comments. After the end of each month we will look at the box and consider any of the things written down. 
  • The idea with the hands is for other generations to keep this going so the wall slowly starts filling in with the handprints.

Created By: Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Spread & Support Art

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