More Than Motion Dance Intensive

On the weekend of October 21-23 I participated in a 3 day long dance intensive from 4 highly recognized dancers/choreographers. It was probably one of the best experiences of my life and it pushed my limits both physically and mentally. I will be able to apply everything I learned over the weekend to this solo I am choreographing for Kylee because it allowed me to expand my dance vocabulary and explore new movements and styles from multiple different dancers. There were definitely classes that were very challenging. One example is the practice audition class where they had us learn an audition piece in an hour and then perform it as if it was an audition the next. The whole purpose was to give us that experience for the future and also to give feedback to all of the dancers there. It was very challenging and I feel that I could have done better but needless to say I learned too much from it and will be able to apply it to any future auditions that I will do. I hope to have many more experiences like this in the future that I can apply to any of  the projects that I do within dance and that just make me a stronger, better person in general.

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