To me the most obvious example of summer creativity was dyeing my hair. Similar to last year I decided to dye my hair again but this time theres a difference, its permanent. While I was staying at Cambridge I decided to dye my whole head red. Not only did I dye my hair but I dyed Sam’s pink. For me this is considered a creative activity because it requieres attention to detail, time, and patience.

For Sams hair it was more a creative experience for me as an artist because I was in control of what I could do and how I wanted it to turn out. Because it was on someone else other than me it was much easier, I had more control and ability to really focus on each section of hair. Once Sam’s hair was done it inspired me to do my own hair too.

When I began the process of dyeing my own hair I had the idea in my mind that it would be easy just like Sam’s but I didn’t consider how long my hair is, how much of it I have and how much dye I would really need. Starting off late at night I was very nervous that it wouldn’t turn out because I was doing my whole head but slowly as I began I was confident that it would work out well. After about two hours and four boxes of hair dye later I was getting very tired of doing my hair so I decided to switch to another method and get some help. Jade decided to help me dye and hair and with teamwork we were able to finish so much faster and see the final result.

Overall for me when I dyed my hair and saw the final result I realized how much fun I had. For me it was almost an awakening experience because it was like a new identity and it was something I did myself. Seeing how much I enjoyed this type of creativity has motivated me to begin switching up my hair more often and to overall to have fun with it. In the end I would rate dyeing Sam and I’s hair a 10/10.


Created By: Alexa Toman, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: IUD PROJECT

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