To improve my organizational skills and planning, I decided to make a Gantt chart. A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, and because the youth center consists of so many tasks, it’s crucial to maintain an organized schedule. For the following Gantt chart, I’ve decided to include all the upcoming events but as well as meetings, certain tasks that need to be done before a certain time. This Gantt chart almost acts as a to-do list but a lot more efficient because bars of color are integrated into one column before another task is supposed to be completed. This chart doesn’t just act as a to-do list but allows you to prioritize certain tasks that need to be done which is crucial to maintain an organized schedule for Terraza. For example, attending the beach clean-up was completed but afterward planning the necessary components for Movie night was the next step on the list of the Gantt chart which was the next priority as well as contacting an adult to monitor Terraza during events and opening hours was the next priority. This Gantt chart was very effective as an organizational tool for the youth center, and it has helped tremendously.
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