Planning Timeline 

October 8————-Speak to Amy S see if she wants to chaperone

October 10———- Tea Party Logistics solved/announcements

October 12———-Hang out with the girls, teach them English 

October 16———– Selling at Feria/ baked goods

October 18————TEA PARTY 

October 20——— Bought Plane Tickets 

October 25———– Meeting with Abby and the entire team

October 27———–Planning Board Game night, ALL logistics figured out

October 30———-Board Game Night

November 17———Girls meeting at USA Embassy

December 9-15———Trip


Over the past weeks, Ashley and I have been struggling with buying the plane tickets for the trip. This happened because we relied on the prices we saw in the begging and forgot the fact that as time goes by the price increases. We had also aside because at the time we were filling out the forms for the visas and were more focused on making sure that we had already paid for the visas and that the forms were well done. We had it in the back of our minds but sometimes having it in the back of your mind for a while can set you up to lose control over situations and this may cause you trouble. Now, when we went to find the tickets, we figured out that the flights were double the price we found them before. This is a problem for Ashley and me because we don’t have all the money to cover for the tickets now. This means we have to rush and make as many fundraisers as possible to make at least 500 dollars more in order to be able to buy the tickets before the price raises even more. The good thing about this is that we already have everything paid for the visas we just need to buy the tickets, and then fundraise some more to take money for when we go out as a group in Boston. Furthermore, we will work extremely hard to fundraise and all the money we need for the tickets and trips. We have already started planning the events, and have email Angela the event coordinator in the school to plan which date we can have our events. Ashley and I will have all the logistics down for the first event which will be the Tea party by October 10th. This event will be open to kids from Arenal through Chirripo and will be market mainly to younger girls as a demographic. We will have it be at school and girls or boys will have to wear appropriate tea afternoon outfits; such as dresses or for boys button-down shirts and pants. There will be an entrance cost and during the event, we will have some other activities that the kids can do. These few weeks will be extremely challenging for us, but we will do everything we can to obtain good results. 

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