Update: Plan of Communication
Plan of Communication
Stakeholder List/Plan:
High Power/High Interest – Encourage and Influence
- Amy Jacobs: I plan to communicate with Amy Jacobs primarily through face to face interactions both during CAS class and during meetings scheduled over email. I can also communicate with her indirectly through weekly journal entries that allow me to keep her up to date on all key developments in my project, as well as balance in my academic and social life.
- Rapha and Alessandro: Although we have not established an official channel of communication, I have spoken with both of them multiple times about the project, CAS in general, and how the transition from my leadership to theirs would function best. My plan is to set up meetings once they return from MUN to discuss their experience and the future of my project.
- MUN Team Members: This is all students attending the MUN at the upcoming UWC conference – I plan on communicating with them through a series of seminars regarding basic MUN tips as well as some more advanced strategies and techniques that I have learned from my project and experiences. These students are the ones who will be most active and knowledgeable in my project conferences, so keeping them in the loop and up to date is incredibly beneficial for the future of my project at La Paz.
High Power/Low Interest – Keep Satisfied
- Chirripo Administration: There isn’t really a necessity here for consistent or constant communication – I can satisfy this specific stakeholder by using clear email communication to advise the administration on any large developments in my project, specifically ones related to using school property to host conferences or using class time for seminars.
Low Power/High Interest – Keep Informed
- My Parents: Although they have a LOT of power, they leave the responsibility of schoolwork and projects such as CAS to me, so I’ve decided to put them in this category. My parents are very interested in my work so I keep them informed by talking with them at home and by texting/calling them when I’m at MUN events to let them know how things are going and keep them updated.
- Mr. Kyle: I plan on communicating with Mr. Kyle primarily through email and scheduled meetings, as I find this to be the most efficient way to reach him. Mr. Kyle and I already have a meeting scheduled this week to discuss the MUN seminars prior to the UWC conference.
- Students interested in MUN: Communicating with these students is difficult because interest is tough to really establish. A good way to find students interested in MUN is through political activities such as student government. Once I’ve found students that are interested, I will often talk with them face to face and in meetings scheduled face to face to discuss their future involvement in my project or related activities.
Low Power/Low Interest – Monitor
- Parents: Fortunately for me, La Paz has multiple effective systems for communicating with parents about upcoming events/projects at the school. I typically use a combination of the newsletter/Families of La Paz Facebook page to reach parents, as well as word of mouth during casual interactions or events that involve both kids and parents such as Trivia Night.
- Other Schools: This stakeholder is not currently present in my project, however based on my upcoming plans to involve schools in an MUN conference I would speak with Abel to see if he has contacts at other schools that I could establish an email chain with about MUN opportunities.
- General Student Body: I communicate with the general student body mostly through Morning Meeting, as students are almost always present and already accustomed to receiving information that way.