Over break and during these first weeks of school I’ve been able to take the time to drive around towns looking for animals in need. For this trimester I want to focus on continuing the work I’ve been doing with families and abandoned dogs where they are treated case by case, until I run out of the money I fundraised during the first trimester (my first milestone). Although I’ve encountered more difficulties than I imagined, such as: it’s extremely time consuming, constantly have to be in communication with the family, vet etc. Additionally I’ve faced challenges wanting to help animals whose owners aren’t responsible but won’t give them up, as well as I’ve had struggles getting the families we help actually follow the treatment their pets were assigned. Despite this I had been debating whether I was going to continue developing my project like this or if I wanted to just organize a large vaccination or fixing campaign. But especially this past week I realized I very much enjoy being able to take care of the animals case by case and ensuring that they are going to get good care after, be it through finding a new owner or ensuring their current owners have the resources and information to take care of their pets. Once I run out of money I want to organize a few small fundraisers such as a dress down day to collect at least a few hundred dollars (second milestone). Overall my goals are to help as many animals as possible with remaining money, organize a few small fundraisers, as well as potentially begin organizing a vaccination or fixing campaign which includes applying for a donation. I believe I’ll know if I succeeded when I’m able to look back towards the end of my project at certain animals I’ve helped and see that they are doing well. Furthermore, if i’m able to organize a vaccination or fixing campaign, I’ll know that my impact went further than a few cases and contributed to this problem in our community on a larger scale. These next weeks I need to evaluate how much money I have left and start organizing a fundraiser, continue and improve communication with the vet and sort out pricing concerns, and lastly I want to get my word out to the community more so that there is a higher chance cases that are truly in need will get help.
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