planning and initiation T3- April 22, 2022

What are the goals of your project?

As of right now, the goals for our project are all over the place and not completely established. Since we are starting a new trimester we have to discuss what it entails. An idea we had at the begging of the last trimester was to aid the school in constructing a stage for performing arts around our community, especially because there are none around. Our first goal for this trimester is to figure out if the stage project is feasible and something both the school and we will be interested in and able to do. Our second goal is to prepare and encourage the girls to be ready for competition in the next three weeks. The first competition takes place on May 14 and we must meet all the requirements and expectations of Gaby and the Competition Company. During the period of time before the competition, we will work with the dancers on the actual choreography as well as mentally prepare them for the weekend event and competition. Our final goal is to figure out the CEPIA project and if it will be a possibility this trimester. 

What are the milestones that you will need to meet to obtain those goals?

Our major milestone this trimester is the Competition on May 14. In order to reach this goal, we need to complete smaller tasks. Our first milestone is the weekend rehearsals leading up to the competition to prepare and encourage the girls. On May 7th is the Competition showcase, which will be the first time the soloists perform to an audience on stage and in costumes. This performance will allow us to do last-minute corrections as well as test the costumes. As for the stage project, our first milestone will be constructing a feasibility study. This will allow us to realize how doable the project is. We will have to communicate with administrators and do general research to come to a decision. 

How will you know that you have succeeded?

Success is definitely more abstract for our project because it is not defined by the trophies won by the dancers. The biggest success we will have is leaving the girls prepared and confident enough to do their best in competition. Additionally having the choreographies finished and cleaned. As well as having costumes and all other necessities that fit the dancers. As for CEPIA and the stage project, our idea of success will come once we have a clear plan of what our goals are. 

What is needed this week to get you started? 

This week we have to meet with Gaby and discuss what will happen with CEPIA and what she has planned. We also need to establish a schedule for the solos and discuss Gaby’s expectations for both the dancers and us. Lastly, within the next few weeks, the feasibility study for our new project will start

Created By: Guanacaste Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Supporting the arts

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