Planting of the vegetables

I chose to make a garden at school because it has something that has been attempted before but has never sustained itself with new generations of IB students, the end goal of this project is to ultimately be able to have part of what is grown used in the school's kitchen by doing this we wouldn't be supporting massive crops companies which use deforestation for their benefit, especially in Costa Rica that even though it protects its natural resources big companies can get away with doing things like this. I have the knowledge of people who have been into gardening for a while and also a terrain which has high in nutrients dirt which can be used to mix with compost and lower quality dirt to make better dirt, we also might be able to bring the 4th grade into the protection because they have a Gardening anchor project. This week my classmate and I coordinated to each bring to school different types of seeds, we had beans, corn, pipia, and tomatoes. During CAS class we were looking for possible places that could sustain the plants, one of them was an old greenhouse that’s behind some of the classrooms but we noticed that the AC motors of the classes were facing the greenhouse making it too hot to sustain the plants. Another option which is that we settled with was between some other classrooms and the school fences, we started making holes and planting the seeds approx 5 feet apart from one another.

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