Progress – November 2, 2022

This week the biggest CAS achievement was the meeting I had with Miss Amy and Alexa. We touched base and sorted out a lot of details for both the Yearbook project and CAS night. It was confirmed that CAS night will no longer be at Gracia, but at the school on November 17. That is a Thursday and it will go from 4:30-6:30pm. We had to envision what the event looked like, because it has never been held at La Paz before, so we talked about tables, set up, food, and donations/raffle. We were supposed to meet with Alberto on Wednesday but it had to be rescheduled so that is still to be determined, Alberto will hopefully provide us with other details we aren’t confirmed on. I got in contact with Mr Abel and Stephannie Contreras to ask about the availability of a bus to be arranged for students after CAS night. The response was very positive but we will need to figure out how many kids are going, and how far the route is. This is information I will need to get from Alberto because he will know which kids are presenting Anchor projects. Additionally, I sent an email to Karina, and asked her about the possibility of food for CAS night. The TOK night was well set up with an arrangement of food and it was a very nice addition so we want to include that as well since we are longer having a formal dinner. She told me that the food was made by cocina La Paz, but we will need to fundraise and pay them for food and time. This is something to consider if we need to charge entrance fees or not… How do we get the money? Lastly, I also reached out to Carol Santos again to ask about the marketing and promoting CAS night. We need to figure out how we should market it to the community to receive the desired outcome. Learning outcomes 4 and 5 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences / Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively) have been most relevant these few weeks. CAS night has taken a lot of communication with different stakeholders, and perseverance because it has been changed date and location many times. The commitment to this project comes from working with others and having support, a skill that is definitely being put to practice through both projects. 

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