Project Pitch
Our project, the Trip to Boston, is a developing one time experience for students to get to know and experience a new culture. We want these students to never forget this amazing experience that they are going to have and help them distinguish the culture around them. This beautiful opportunity will bring happiness to this student and learn about how there is a different society and lifestyle compared to the one in which she lives.
-Backing food for our community fundraising idea
Me and Ashley can bring some cookie dough or other things so we can bake and have a good time and help our project.
-New ideas on how we can earn money during covid to help our project
Brainstorming list of ideas on whiteboard
-Have a discussion on places we should take our student if we go and some personal experience of learning about a new culture or going to a new place.
Little discussion circle
-Bringing the student that we are going to take on the trip to one of our Monday night activities so she can interact with us and be more confident around us.
Have dinner with her and our class.