Question Journal Entry

What can you do through sports? Sports are a big part of my life and it is to those around me, which is why this question is great because you it asks those who are really into sports like myself to view what they can do through one of the biggest parts of their life.

How can you empower others through sports? Sports allow me to work hard in something I am passionate about in my life. Not only that but it empowers many others.

Where can you make a change? I like this question because it forces the reader to take a step back and view their life and actually scout out their life and see what needs an improvement.

What can you teach through sports? Ive played sports my whole life and sports as taught me so much. So to now teach others through sports would be pretty cool, which is what this question empowers.

How do you empower your team? Your team doesn’t have to be your sports team but those around you that motivate you and uplift you. The question ask how do you empower them which means in my head what do you do for them, because you owe them so much.

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