Update: Reflection Oct. 8th
Reflection Oct. 8th
During these days I have mainly focused on selling the chocobananos and making more. Thankfully they have been selling very fast and the customers have been happy. Every day I sell about 3 or 4 chocobananos which is not that many but it's better than nothing. I had to lower the normal price that I was selling them for because it was a little expensive and I had to be consisted of what happening and that not many community members have jobs and don't have a lot of income. After changing the price to 400 I got better results because more people started buying them. They went from c500 to c400. The chocobananos are stored in my freezer where it's clean and they are wrapped in wax paper. when I sell them I lay the wax paper out flat and but some condensed milk and their good to go.
I and Ashley also have been playing on other easy snacks that we can sell around our community and came up with an idea of selling mini icecreams. We still not know the exact price we will be selling them but we had an idea of selling them for 500.