Reflective Journal Entry

What were my perceptions of planning an activity before I did
it? If I am in the planning stages right now, what are my
perceptions of the way my activity will go?


My perception on my CAS project will go as follows, it’ll go down on a Friday afternoon an hour and a half after school ends, so teachers can arrive. I would leave to prepare for the big tournament right after school at three. I would have previously  talked to my coach asking him to help me referee and find a date for the tournament. I would have also talked to Beyond Sports asking permission to use the gym. Also, previously announcing my project all over school. I would have also made a flyer and taken it to other schools and events around the community, also, on facebook asking for players and any sort of sponsor or donor. The intended audience would be adults, kids and teenagers as they all can play basketball. They would all be thrilled to play as they would be motivated to win the 100 dollar cash prize.

At the basketball court there would be a ticket booth in the front of the gym charging each team the entry cost of 25$. Along with the entry booth there would be a food stand, selling water, energy drinks, popcorn and pizza. As the tournament starts. The games would last 8 minutes with a double elimination. My coach and I would be the referees and we would each ref one side of the half-court. By the end of the night a winning team is crowned and they receive their cash prize. In the following days the money made would be counted and it would all go towards new uniforms for the La Paz Basketball Team.

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