
CAS is my favorite class. Not only does it provide me a way to do something I’m passionate about it has helped me discover how I want to move forward in life. I started to work with the IUD project about five months ago and it has been something that I am really passionate about. Over this break we needed to continue doing the insertions, make a powerpoint, do surveys and fundraise. So far I have been working with Geneva to help integrate the two new members of the team who are just starting CAS. Between the three of us we will call around 140 women in order to see investigate all parts of the experience. I also was tasked with making a powerpoint. This is presented at the beginning of everyday that there is IUD insertions. It goes over everything that will be happening in order to make women feel more comfortable. By doing this I really felt like I was making a bigger impact on the project and really taking the next step to benefiting it in the way I had hoped to this entire time. Next week there will be an insertion which I will attend and hopefully be able to see my powerpoint in  action. This project does not only help these women. It also helps me and all other young girls helping out. It teaches us to respect our bodies and treat them with the love and respect they deserve. It teaches us to respect ourselves and take mpore control of our sexsual rights. This helps remind me of something that I sometimes forget who can put me in a dangerous place. This project is an amazing thing that is inspiring our community and the women within it. 


Created By: Sibley Zepeda, Costa Rica


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