Service journal entry – August 21, 2022

To help my community this vacation, I was able to work on both my CAS assignment and my Global Politics IA. For glopo I am working on creating a petition in order to hopefully enact a change with the Huacas intersection. From the glopo scope, I will be learning about bureaucracy, power, and corruption in the Costa Rican system, and writing a paper about my experience with this petition. I am doing this because there are way too many cars that get backed up at this intersection daily, and it's even worse when school is in session. This issue affects the local community A LOT, and could easily be fixed with the implementation of a stop sign. For this reason, the petition (if successful) will actually serve a ton of community members, both people I know directly, and tons of people I have never met. From the CAS scope, the service aspect is being put into action through my work on getting this started. The real change will happen in the coming months, but I am preparing everything necessary ahead of time. This has encompassed learning outcome #3 Initiative and planning because I have really had to take charge and make this happen myself. So far I have had a few meetings with a lawyer who has helped me draft the petition. I learned about the petition process and how it works formally here in CR. I have figured out my plan for collecting signatures, how many I need (100 at least), and who exactly I am going to present my findings to. This will be the municipality of Santa Cruz. This project also demonstrates learning outcome #2 Challenge and Skills because I am a little nervous about presenting this information because it will be in Spanish, and a formal political event, which I have never experienced. However, I am super excited to be working on this activity because not only am I completing a school assignment, but it will have a true impact on my community once I am done.

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