August 13th, 2020
During business class in the third trimester of 11th grade, I got to join a non profit organization that was helping the scholarship families of La Paz who had no income due to the COVID19 situation. Many families lost their jobs and cant buy food or basic necessities for their families and require the help from the community. However, for this organization to help the families, other individuals who do have access to an income or are financially stable must donate 180$ to a family per month. COVID 19 is affecting everyone, and as the economy declines, more families are affected and less can help with this cause. This is why, with my CAS project SSS, I decided to donate from our funds and money that we have fundraised through events to help 5 families for one month.
The money that SSS has fundraised was destined to help the scholarship students with any needs that they had, like if they needed financial help to pay a dentist, or to buy a computer, materials, pay a field trip, an extracurricular activity, etc. Since we are in online school and we don't know when we are coming back, Stacy and I thought that donating 900 dollars to this organization would be more beneficial than saving the money and using it for another thing. Also this money that we donated goes towards helping a family get basic necessities and we thought this was more important than buying materials for school or spending it on another thing. We still have money left and we will consider donating again depending if we go back to school, this is because we still need to plan events and we need money to fund the event.
This has taught me that during difficult times it is important to re-evaluate our position and our goals and analyze if there is something we can do to make a change and help those who most need it. Helping 5 families is a lot and it will be impacting them tremendously because they are going to be able to receive food for a whole month. I am lucky enough to live in a house that does not struggle to have access to food and it makes me feel good when I help others because it makes me be in their position and be more humble. These families are also important to me because I know them and I have worked with them personally from the after school tutoring classes or the different events and meetings we have had. Donating money has also made me reevaluate how I spend my money everyday and it has made me more conscious towards what I waste my money in and understanding that money doesn't come out of nowhere and that I have to work for it and put effort into it.
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively, Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance, Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.