Stakeholders: Gaby, Alexa, Ava, Miss Amy, Our parents, Parents of the dancers, Dancers involved, Audience, Chanelle, Cinthia, Kerry
- We meet with Gaby Twice a week to talk about the project that happens after dance classes mostly on Fridays and one of the other days of the week. We also communicate through Whatsapp. Communication with Gaby is key because she is our mentor and is guiding us through the project.
- With Ava and Alexa I am keeping a constant communication as we see each other almost everyday. If needed we can also communicate through whatsapp.
- We email the parents of the dancers involved every week reminding them about practice.
- We also communicate with the dancer through whatsapp and at dance to get them more involved, especially if they are part of the other group or in my case Luna.
- We need to market the show to the audience soon seeing as December is coming up so we will start that in the following weeks all the way up until the show. We can market online, through social media and announce it at school in morning meetings.
- For the other teachers involved we can talk to them about our part in the project but most of the communication about the show with them happens through Gaby so we just need to pay attention to them.