Student Leadership Meeting _ Grace Herman

September 3rd, 2019 

Today we had our first student leadership meeting of the school year. Jade, Anastasia, Cata, Ashley, myself and a new addition, Emma showed up for the meeting. At this meeting we planned events for the upcoming two months, since Ashley wont be here at the beginning of next year. Today it was very noticeable how much Terrazza has grown. We are now more certain of the turn out for events and we have service projects we are starting to be involved. After that we started to go around town to put of flyers and ask for prizes for our upcoming BINGO on the 13th. One of the weaknesses the student team, including myself are struggling with is talking to local business. It is hard to figure out how to ask businesses to give you things for free and or to donate money. I’m very aware of the amount of fundraisers that happen in Tamarindo and the amount these businesses are asked for prizes and or money and I don’t want them to get sick of giving or feel used by us. And I am struggling to figure out how to manoeuvre that fact. After a couple of minutes it started pouring so our mission was cut short and we postponed for another day.

Over the course of the meeting Ashley keep telling us that we should not worry about the money, that it is our job to get people to come to events and be the voices to the student. I understand this I really do but I’m not okay with it. I worry about the money because I no there is no plan. I know that soon Ricky will get sick of donating money to the youth center and my CAS project will fail and I want to have a little control/input and knowledge on what is actually happening. I know this project has turned into more than just a CAS project which is so cool but its removed the power us as CAS students have over it. We are just other members of the student leadership team that write reflections about it. I understand why it’s like this but on the other hand it started as a CAS project and us as CAS students are committed to it and, at least for me, I want to do more than just get people there. I can talk to students to get people excited about events, I’d consider that I strengthen but I’m also very organized and I’m taking HL business which could mostly like help the financial situation if Ashley lets me.

Events we have planned:

  • SEPT. 6th – Game Night 1,000 colones, 7:30-10pm
  • SEPT. 13th – Bingo NightÂ
  • SEPT. 27TH – Minute to Win it night
  • OCT. 11th – Scary Movie NightÂ

Thanks for reading,


*Plan and initiate an activity, Work collaboratively with others.

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