Update – October 13

The last two weeks have been about organizing and reaching out to various stakeholders in both projects. I got in touch with Stephannie about using Gracia as a venue and received her input on the event. We had a phone call where she told me about preferred dates (early November), as well as food options. There is a very yummy buffet being put together! She mentioned that prices might have to be higher than what we originally planned for, so that might need to be adjusted and figured out. Next step is to confirm the venue and start marketing the event! We are expecting around 150 people. The learning outcome #3: Initiative & planning is most important for this project right now. The CAS/Anchor night is all about initiative and planning because it is in my (and Alexa’s) hands now. Figuring out the logistics is fun but time consuming, however I do really like to plan events so it is fun. Outcome #5: Showing perseverance and commitment is also a big one for this project because it has been pushed back and changed around several times. We are still unsure about where it will take place and when but I am hoping my commitment to the project will help it proceed. For the yearbook, I sent emails to Walter publishing in San Jose asking them to confirm their services and request that we print with them this year again. Using the Picatvo site, I emailed to ask about the steps for setting up a new account with the program and the costs for using it. They responded saying they would gladly set us up again, however the price is now $450 rather than $300 which is surprising and might be an issue... I will need to ask Allan about how much funding the school can give us. Isa and Alexa and I brainstormed ideas for fundraising for the yearbook (possibly a spirit week) in order to help with the costs. I also reached out to the new head of marketing, so they can publish CAS projects on the La Paz Facebook, Newsletter, and Instagram. This is to get the community more involved and understand what we do at La Paz with CAS and Anchor, as well as raise money for necessary projects. I also figured out the raffle prizes we have for the event, and which ones we still need to get. Learning outcome #4: Working collaboratively with others has also been super present for both projects because of the many correspondences I have had to do this last week. I am relying on various other companies/people/organizations for support and help on these events, along with my partner and my teacher.

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