Vacation Journal Entries: Activity

There were many different ways that I was active during this vacation. The week after we started break, my brothers and sister came to visit Costa Rica and we went ziplining, hiking, sailing, and surfing, among other things. It was really great to get to see them again and talk about all the things we had been up to since we had last seen each other. Although we were quite busy throughout the whole week it definitely kept me active. After my family left, I decided to take on the challenge for the rest of my vacation to walk as many places as I can instead of driving because it is better for the environment. It also involves the trait of being a Risk Taker, because I had to step outside of my comfort zone and what I was used to in order to challenge myself. Even though it’s a small action on my part, I know that it makes a difference. I turned out to enjoy it more than I thought I would because I got to discover paths that I had never been on before and it helped me to appreciate the world around me more. This opportunity also allowed me to develop my trait of being an Inquirer because I got to explore my natural curiosity and go down different roads I would never normally visit. Overall, I think I was pretty active this vacation, helping me to become a more physically Balanced individual. 

Learning Outcome:

  • Engage with issues of global importance

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