Funny timing to ask about where I am with my project in C.A.S. The honest answer is that I am restarting my C.A.S journey, my last project Proyecto Vida de Mujer was something that I was extremely passionate about and loved but I did have issues with communication related to the project. For me it feels like I have grown with that project and it has helped me in so many ways, for that I am very thankful. Showing me my passion of working with people, specifically women is helping me choose what I want to do next. This has set me forward in the right path, I have done research about organizations in Costa Rica, some that are right here in our community and others that are in the province. During this research I found lots of helpful information and found two amazing organizations. The first being Abriendo Mentes and the second being Soy Nina. I have contacted both but only gotten a response from Abriendo Mentes. We first phone called for a while and then got into emailing where I expressed what I would like to do. Hi Rachel, I am a 12th grader at La Paz and just finished my last C.A.S project where I organized C.E.P.I.A.’ S project; Proyecto Vida de Mujer. That project meant so much to me and made me realize that I love to work with girls, I was hoping to maybe be able to create a small group of girls at Abriendo Mentes where we can do activities and similar things. Of course we need to meet to see what you need help with. Let me know when you are available. She has gotten back to be and we are scheduled to meet soon when she has time. I then contacted Soy Nina and wrote them the following message: Hola! Mi nombre es Alexa, soy estudiante del colegio La Paz en Guanacaste en 12 grade. Cada estudiante de nuestra clase tiene que tener un proyecto de comunidad que ayuda a nuestra comunidad o país. El año pasado trabajé con la organización C.E.P.I.A creyendo el proyecto; Vida de Mujer, lo cual enfocamos en ayudar mujeres de nuestra comunidad en enseñarles la importancia de la salud femenina y sexo protegido. Lo que hacemos es regalar los t de cobres a las mujeres para prevenir que las mujeres salen embarazadas y que pueden planear el momento correcto para salir embarazadas. Creamos en la importancia de ayudar las mujeres. En la historia de Nanee Miller escuche sobre ustedes y de inmediato ame lo que usted hacen. Lo que entendi es que usted trabajan con la niñas y chicas adolescentes para apoyarlas y al mismo tiempo bajan los índices de embarazo infantil y adolescente en Costa Rica. Para mi pienso que seria un gran éxito si podriamos hablar y tal vez colaborar para trabajar en unos workshops y al mismo tiempo un posible proyecto para bajar los índices de embarazo infantil y adolescente con la ayuda del t de cobre. I still have not gotten a response but that is alright. Lastly I have another option which is an alumni from La Paz, Camilla. I don't know much about her project but Miss Amy mentioned it may be something I like. Overall right now not much is going on. I am in a little scramble because I want to find another project now but with time good things come, right?

Created By: Alexa Toman, Costa Rica

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