• I have all outfits done
  • I need to do the last and final fitting for the last small corrections that were made last fitting
  • I still have to figure out a place, which I want to talk to Ms. Amy about because she had an idea
  • I need to ask miss kenia about the phone number for the initial place I was thinking of doing the fashion show at
  • I need to figure out the music for the show (but that’s after location)
  • I want to market it, perhaps families of la paz page, because I want donations (can be $ or actual food) for the food which is going to be like a snack table
  • I need to email all parents of the girls participating to let them know (even though most of them do, just to make sure and for them to be aware)
  • I need to pay Marlen once everything’s done, which I still have the money from the WOnderment grant I received.

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