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Planet Earth
Young Social Entrepreneurs
Engage With Human Rights Issues
Activity #1
Navigate complex human rights issues
Activity #2
Explore the evolving nature of human rights and laws
Activity #3
Explore how kind acts boost your mood and inspire others
Activity #4
Understand how to support others
Activity #5
Analyze an example when Nike had to utilize a stakeholder map
Human Rights Intro
Human rights issues are complicated and often politicized, with solutions often ending up making one of the stakeholders upset. You need to be able to keep a clear head, liste...
BONUS PATH: Diving into Human Rights
Why do this path? Well, human rights, laws, and documents have been constantly evolving over time, so it’s important to keep things fresh by evaluating what has come before ...
BONUS PATH: Acts of Kindness
Doing nice things for others can brighten up the world. It's like a domino effect of good vibes! Not only does it make you feel awesome, but it can also give you a confidence ...
BONUS PATH: Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes
Telling others how they can support you leads to deeper relationships and helps you get what you need in your times of struggle. So not only is sharing your needs important, b...
Bonus Path Stakeholder case study at Nike
Human rights are important issues in the business world too! Take what you learned from previous path’s and get some practice applying it to a real life, business situation....
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