Bonus Path: Designing Your Logo

Thinking about creating a killer logo for your community project? Want to dive into some graphic design and logo magic? This path will guide you through exploring and designing an awesome logo.

  • Start by checking out this video on the stories behind famous logos. While you watch, think about these questions
    • What are some of the inspirations behind these famous logos?
    • What did you learn about why some logos are simple and others are more complex?
    • What else caught your eye about these logos?
  • To dig deeper into logo design, you can either watch this video  on logo rules or read this story about why certain colors, fonts, and shapes are used.
  • Now it’s your turn to design your logo! When brainstorming, think about:
    • What are the core values of your project?
    • What will your target audience recognize and like?
    • What feelings do you want your logo to express?
    • What colors, shapes, and fonts do you want to use, and why?
  • Don’t be afraid to try a few different designs—getting it right can take a few tries! Show your logo to a friend or family member for feedback, or get someone to help you choose the best version.
  • When you’re happy with your final design, post it on the path. Include a short video explaining the story behind your logo and how it connects to your project’s mission, values, and audience.

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This Collective

Amy J.

By Amy J.

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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