Bonus Path: Leader vs. Manager vs. Follower

Want your project to crush it? You’ll need a guide—whether it’s a strong leader or a smart manager. But don’t forget, you also need a squad of followers who’ll help bring your vision to life. In this lesson, we’ll break down what makes a great leader, manager, and follower, and help you figure out when it’s your time to step up as each.

  • Start by checking out the article
  • Then, test your skills with the Blooket game and see how well you know your stuff!
  • Reflect and share your thoughts by answering these questions and posting them on the path:
    • Are you more of a leader, manager, or follower when it comes to schoolwork?
    • How about in social situations—where do you see yourself fitting in between those three options?
    • Does your project need a manager or a leader right now?
    • Do you think you’ve got what it takes to be a leader or manager? If yes, explain why. If not, let’s figure out what you can work on with your mentor or guide.

By MissAmy

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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