Bonus Path: Place and Your Project

If you’re ready to start thinking about where to put your service or product for your community project, follow this path. It’ll help you explore and make a plan for this important part of your project.

  • Play the Blooket reminder game on choosing the right location. You can also take a look at the video to remind yourself of some general tips for choosing a location.
  • Brainstorm with your mentor about locations that fit your project. Take notes during your meeting. Questions to brainstorm before meeting with your mentor:
  1. Who are my target customers, and where do they live?
  2. How easy is it for customers to get to my product or service from this location?
  3. What’s the foot traffic like in potential spots, and is there enough demand for what I’m offering?
  4. Does this spot match my brand and fit with my customers’ lifestyles?
  5. Will being here build trust and make customers happy with what I’m offering?

Optional Questions

  1. How will this location affect how I get things to customers (like shipping or keeping stuff in stock)?
  2. Can I grow my business here over time, like I want to?
  3. Are there rules or zones that could make it hard to do business here?
  4. Where are my main competition, and how can I set myself up smart compared to them?
  5. What’s it cost to do business here (like rent, bills, taxes), and does it fit my budget?
  • Look over your notes after your talk when you’ve thought about everything and talked it through with your mentor.
  • Make a video about why you picked the spot you did for your project.
  • Add it to the path.

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This Collective

By MissAmy

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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