Brainstorm a Mentor

For this project, you will need a mentor (not one of your guides). Make sure the adult you choose fits your needs, will motivate you, and has the expert advice you’re looking for.

  • What You Should Expect from your Mentor
    • Recognition: They should help you identify skills and talents you might not even know you have!
    • Encouragement: They should cheer you on and believe in you.
    • Facilitation: They will give advice and techniques to help you succeed.
    • Stretching: They will push you to go further
  • Grab a sheet of paper and start brainstorming using a mind map. Put your project idea in the center and use the questions below to guide your brainstorming:
    • Who do you know related to the project idea?
    • What do you want from a mentor?
      • Do they have knowledge of your subject matter?
      • Do they need to live nearby or can they be remote?
      • How often and what types of meetings/contact do you need?
    • What is their motivation for helping you with your project?
    • What qualities would you like in a mentor?
    • What help do you think you are going to need?
  • Look over what you wrote and see if any people you know fit the requirements (or most of them). Pick two people you’d like to ask to be your mentor.
  • In a video reflection, share two people you’d like to ask to be your mentor and why.

To continue, return to the Module 4 Opportunity Card.

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