Conflict Resolution

When conflicts arise, it’s crucial to be ready to tackle them head-on, stand up for your values, and get your needs met—all while keeping things respectful. The best way to do that is by learning helpful techniques and practicing them in safe spaces.

    • Check out the flyer and the suggestions below on how to communicate effectively during a conflict:
  • I Statements: stating what you need from your point of view.

 ““I feel ____ (name the feeling) ____ when (describe the behavior) because__ (provide the reason )_. I need _(tell what would make it better for you).” 

  • Reframing: changes negative or hostile language to neutral language. 

“You are so stupid.” → “You made a mistake on the math test.

  • Sandwich:  Start with a positive statement, explain the issue, and end with another positive statement.

“I enjoy our friendship.” → “I’m hurt that you talk behind my back.” → “I want to continue our friendship.” 

  • Think about a conflict that keeps coming up in your life. It could be an argument with a sibling, a classmate who gets on your nerves, or even a parent who’s been nitpicking your actions.
  • Create a role-play video, a narrative story, or a comic strip that shows how you could handle the conflict using what you’ve just learned about conflict resolution.
  • Share your final product on the path.
  • Bonus move: Try resolving the conflict you chose in real life! Report back on how it went and what you might do differently next time.

This Collective

By MissAmy

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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