Create a Survey

Surveys help you understand your market and get to know your audience. Because there are many different perspectives about different topics, it is good to understand how others view a project or situation. Once you have your research question / objective it is time to give your survey a name and write your questions!

Effective Surveys:

  • Check out the reading to discover what makes a survey awesome. Get tips on asking the right questions for great insights.
  • Pick how you want to showcase your survey skills:
    • Design a cool poster, digital or on paper, explaining what makes a survey effective.
    • Create a video where you explain to a friend or family member what makes an awesome survey.

Survey Practice

  • Take the two surveys below and give your feedback.

Project Wonder Survey A

Project Wonder Survey B

  • Your goal with this survey is to be able to answer some of your research question (RQ).
  • Write your first draft of your survey questions based on your RQ and add them to this path.
  • Respond to 2 members of the cohort and give them feedback on their questions.

Google Forms Survey

  • Turn your questions into a survey using Google Forms. If you need help, check out this quick tutorial
  • Before sending out your survey, let’s do a quick relaxation technique. It can be intimidating to send your ideas out into the world, and we want you to be brave and take some risks!
  • Put your hands on your belly, and inhale slowly and deeply for four seconds.You should feel your stomach moving out as you suck in the air. If your breath is still in your chest, it’s too shallow.
  • Hold the breath for seven seconds, then slowly release it over eight seconds.
  • Repeat 5 times, or until you’re ready to continue.
  • Send your survey to five people you know. See what they say! Then, think about how you can improve your survey based on their feedback.
    • Are people responding with relevant answers?
    • Do you need to change the wording on any question?
    • Do you need to change the format of any question?
  • Revise the survey one more time if necessary.

To continue, return to Module 3 Opportunity Card.

This Collective

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