Finding Motivation Through Music

According to John Hopkins website, listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. Let’s take a moment to share the music that we like and why it brings us motivation and joy!

  • Take a moment to think about a song that truly motivates you. It could be a song with powerful lyrics, an infectious beat, a talented artist, or simply one that connects all the dots and changes something in your brain. Consider what it is about this song that makes it so special to you, how it inspires you, and why it holds a place in your heart.
  • On this path share your chosen song and the reason behind your choice. (This is an opportunity to explore the diversity of music and to discover new sources of inspiration through each other’s selections.)
  • Music has the incredible ability to change our mood, make us more creative,  motivate us, and connect us in ways that words alone cannot. Explore other additions to this path and comment on the songs!  

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This Collective

By MissAmy

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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