Overcoming Fear

EVERYONE needs to overcome their fears to grow and be successful human beings, but everyONE and every FEAR needs a different technique to do it. By completing this path, you’ll walk away with a toolkit of techniques, practice, and self-realization, all which will help you when you hit some big adult steps in life, like moving in on your own, college, or applying for a dream job.

Useful Techniques – 35 minutes

  • Watch the presentation that outlines various techniques for dealing with and conquering fears. These strategies are meant to empower you by offering practical steps to effectively manage fear.
  • From the presentation, pick a technique that speaks to you or catches your interest. Create a poster, whether hand-drawn or digital, based on your own research, that includes:
    • A brief explanation of the technique
    • Steps to use the technique
    • Benefits of using this technique
  • Share this poster with your cohort by posting it on the path.
  • After a week, revisit to see the variety of techniques your peers have explored. Check back to learn more about other techniques that caught your interest!

Face Your Fears – 30 minutes

  • Take another look at the fear mind map you made earlier. Pick one fear you’re ready to tackle over the next month, especially if it’s something important for your success in this course.
    • Remember, this fear might take a long time to overcome, and you might need outside help. Use the techniques you just learned to see if you can overcome the fear yourself or if you’ll need external support.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, start brainstorming an action plan with these elements:
    • Smart Goal: Define one Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely goal you can tackle within a week that deals with this fear.
    • Potential Obstacles: Think about any hurdles you might run into.
    • Chosen Technique: Choose one of the tricks you learned today that you think will help with this fear.
  • Put this plan into your favorite organizational tool, like a to-do list, calendar, or app.
  • After a week of giving your plan a shot, write about how it went. Talk about:
    • One approach that worked well in dealing with your fear.
    • Any challenges you faced and how you handled them.
    • Your plans for continuing to address this fear over the next month.
  • At the end of the month, come back and update everyone on how things are going. Set a reminder in your tool so you don’t forget to check in!

To continue, return to the Module 2 Opportunity Card.


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