A Gantt Chart is a living document that you can use throughout your project. Today, take a moment to reflect on the tasks you have completed, evaluate the effectiveness of your original task list and the assigned time values, and add any upcoming tasks to the chart. This process will help ensure that your project stays on track and that you are effectively managing your time and resources.
So, let’s go back and take a look at your Gantt Chart and see how you are doing on your task management. Here is a link to the prior lesson if you need a refresher!
First, take a moment to think about the tasks that have already been completed. Create a list in this template of what went well/what you were proud of and what was challenging/ how you could have made it better.
Assess where you are in the process and if there needs to be any refinement of the project or shifts in the timeline. Make a list of new tasks or refined timelines.
Adjust the Gantt Chart as needed, add any new tasks or make a task either longer or shorter depending on the time that it takes to complete a task.
Add the reflection and the new Gantt Chart to the path. You can upload 2 different responses if necessary.