Secondary Research

You always want to make sure that the information you are basing your project ideas off of are accurate and trustworthy. Otherwise, you are contributing to the spread of false information. This path will teach you how to do that and then you will actually explore your chosen topic to see what research says about your community. 

Reliable vs Unreliable

  • Start by checking out the video or go through the presentation on how to tell if sources are reliable or not.
  • Next, hop on the Blooket game and test your skills in spotting reliable vs. unreliable sources. It’s a fun way to make sure you really get it and can practice with real scenarios.
  • Share on the path three things you will keep in mind when doing secondary research.

Put it into practice!

Step 1: Mind Map Your Knowledge

  • Choose something you’re interested in from your interviews.
  • Create a mind map outlining what you already know about the topic.
  • Take a quick pause from brainstorming to open your mind to new possibilities. Breathe in and out deeply and take in what’s around you, engaging each of your senses: seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting.
  • Use a different color to jot down questions you still have about your topic.

Step 2: Seek Adult Input

  • Share your mind map with an adult and ask for their thoughts. Have them add any other questions or perspectives you should think about.

Step 3: Prioritize Research Questions

  • Circle questions that can be answered using secondary research (remember that that means looking stuff up!).
  • Star questions that require primary research, such as surveys or interviews.

Step 4: Conduct Secondary Research

  • Begin your secondary research using credible sources. Make a copy of the graphic organizer provided to keep track of what you find. and organize your findings. Make sure you cover all the questions from your mind map.

Crafting Your Reflection Video

  • Record a video reflection that includes the following and post on the path.
    • Show your mind map
    • Briefly Answer the questions you had, and cite your sources (like, “According to [Source], …”).
    • Share any insights gained or surprises you found during your research journey.

To continue, return to Module 3 Opportunity Card.


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