Understanding Fear

Fears can be hard to face and very easy to try and avoid. But that won’t help you get through life or grow into a stronger, better person. Your goal with this path is to take the time and sit with your fears and see how they are affecting your life. 

  • Let’s kick things off by checking out a list of common fears that lots of high schoolers deal with. As you read through them, think about whether any of these fears hit home for you. This step is all about recognizing and putting a name to your fears, which is a big first step toward handling them.
  • Next up, think about how fear messes with your body and mind. Consider the physiological responses, such as a faster heartbeat or feeling sweaty, and psychological reactions, like panic or being extra alert. Think about how these reactions impact what you do and how you make decisions every day, like avoiding things or feeling anxious.
  • Find a quiet spot where you can really focus and think. Here’s where you’ll make a mind map to dig into your fears and their effects. Your mind map should look like this:
    • Center: Write your name and the word “fears”
    • 1st Layer: List out specific fears from the provided list or ones you’ve felt.
    • 2nd Layer: Note the physiological (body) and psychological (mind) responses you experience in reaction to these fears.
    • 3rd Layer: Think about how these fears and reactions affect what you do every day.

Just a heads up, this mind map is just for you. You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to. The main goal is to get a handle on your fears and get ready for what’s next in dealing with them. Keep this mind map handy for our next lesson. It’ll help you remember what you discovered about your fears.

To continue, return to the Module 2 Opportunity Card.

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