Wrap Up

Now that you’re a marketing expert, it’s time to create a cohesive promotional mix for your project. This involves brainstorming and planning how to effectively market your project.

Promotional Mix

  • It’s brainstorming time! Jot down your ideas, building off what you’ve already done in previous activities. 
    • Think about which channels (social media, flyers, events, etc.) would be the most effective for your project.
    • Then refresh on how you plan to differentiate yourself/make your project stand out in the community. Think about the P’s of Marketing! Do you have a great price? Is it the place? The people? The product? 
    • Lastly, Consider how different channels can work together to create one clear, strong message about what makes your project awesome.

Promotional Mix

  • Create a video that includes the following elements:
    • 2-3 marketing channels of your choice you think will be most effective.
    • Decide what to highlight on each channel (they can be related, but each should have a unique focus).
    • Explain why you made these decisions and how everything will  work together to share one overarching message.
  • Post your video on the path. 


  • If you’re ready, start marketing your project! Share your marketing materials with the community on the path as well.

This Collective

By MissAmy

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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