Cepia-Boston Exhange Project

Team Name/Location

Melanie Ureña Duarte, Flamingo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

This project consists in providing two Cepia students of low resources, the opportunity to travel to Boston, Massachusetts, where they will enjoy many activities, get to experience a high school life and learn from the culture and traditions in the United States.

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What I like:
Some of my manias are sports, art, music, writing, and theater. For example, I love playing soccer, I actually played in regionals. However, I decided to focus more on school now that I am starting IB. I also love to write poems, listen to music and do any type of art. I recently started to write a book, and am excited to share it with the world. When I do these activities I completely lose track of time and I do it during my free time. Theather on the other hand, I do whenever I have the opportunity, It is something that I am extremely passionate about, I recently participated in school production called "Imagine" where I was not only performing, but I was also the manager of the staging group and had to work very hard to do it all at the same time. I learned a lot from this experience, something I took from it was the feeling of success and knowing that anything I want with all my heart is possible. This production motivated me to try harder, to take risks and to never give up. These keys to success will be crucial to make my project a reality.
What I Do:
Well, I love this project! I form part of the scholarship program and last year I had the opportunity to travel to Texas for an exchange program of 3 weeks. Traveling was always a dream to me, and I aspired to be able to achieve it someday. So last year came, and I couldn't believe it, I was flying towards my dream. This experience taught me so much and I have memories that I will hold in my heart for the rest of my life. This is why I want this project so much than anything because I want students from my community to be able to have an opportunity like this because I know from experience that every kid dreams with traveling at some point and for some people, it's hard to afford it, and it shouldn't be this way. I want to inspire others to do the same, to make kids' wish come true.
What I Want:
Taking care of kids and being responsible. I have babysat many teacher's children at school, and I have learned to become responsible and take good care of them. I have also been doing this for a long time now; I love kids! I recently worked for 2 weeks in a camp at school. The Discover La Paz camp, where kids from all over the states came to learn about our school and Costa Rica. I had to learn many skills like patience to be able to control and teach the kids. We had around 50 kids all from 4 to 14 years old. It was a tough experience, but I am grateful because I learned a lot from it. At the end of the camp not only did I learn many helpful skills, but those kids also took a part of my heart with them.


What I like:
Some of my manias are painting, drawing, playing soccer and listening to music. Something I do all the time is any kind of artistic project, whether it is during my free time or during my art classes in school. Its something that I try to do every day, as its my way of expressing how im feeling. An activity that im crazy about is taking pictures because I love having photos as memories from places I've been to, things I've done or people that are special to me. I mostly use my phone on a daily basis, but when I travel or go on road trips, I love taking my digital camera and capturing every moment and little thing from it.
What I Do:
I am one of the leaders of the yearbook committee and I know that I will learn and achieve many things from this project. First, I want to learn how to be a good figure and influence for this group. This is a big aspect of this project, and if I don't know how to accomplish being a great leader, then this project could be non efficient. A group must have a very strong backbone that guides them through the process of making an incredible yearbook. I want to effectively create an awesome yearbook in order to give to our community and provide them a book filled with memories that they will enjoy. I want to guide the members of the community in the whole process of this project and prepare them for next year, as some of them will be taking over our role. This is really important because a yearbook is something a school must have every year, which is why we must teach younger generations how to make it, the process, tips and advices in order to continue this project every year. Lastly, Im hoping to make new friends from this and get to know them as I am going to be very involved with the community throughout the process.
What I Want:
Throughout my life, I've acquired some very important skills that will eventually help me in the future. In the past few years, I've learned how to take care of little kids and babies. Before I got to experience this, I didn't have a big interest in kids, but once I got to actually spend a lot of time with them, I notice how fun it can be and how much you can learn from them. Last year I worked at a summer camp where we had to take care of little and even big kids, which was something that encouraged me to babysit, along with having my baby cousin living close to me, since growing up, there weren't any babies around as I was the youngest from the family. Now, cooking for me is a skill that I learned since I was little just from watching my mom, grandma and aunts cook. My family loves to make food instead of buying it or going out, which is why I've learned to make many different meals all these years. As a costa rican family, we love to eat and make our traditional plates and I have always been part of the preparations, even if its the smallest little task. Cooking is a skill that everyone must know how to do, which is why I consider that it will help me in the future.
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