Response: Big Life Journal
Big Life Journal
If you guys use this consistently, we should look at building out a whole set of paths around it. Not only would it be an awesome way to make it more shareable/participatory with parents and others, it could be an awesome way to make the artifacts of those responses have way more longevity for the kids.
September 24, 2019
Cool. I was thinking about this today. Would each child set up their own path around this? Are student accounts linked to CSLC?
September 24, 2019
We are also just at the beginning of this. We have completed the page above and have been discussing the next question for a couple of days. I imagine they will journal the responses to the next question tomorrow and Wednesday.
September 25, 2019
Awesome!! I think there are a few different ways we could do it and possibly even a combination would fit best, depending on what you’re looking for it to do. For example, it might be nice for a kid to make their own path for a prompt that they would like to invite others in their life to respond to (i.e. parents). Or you could have a handful of central CSLC paths on certain prompts where all the kids put their responses (or in different modes– ie responding in video if they’ve already done writing, etc) which you could open up to a broader community or not.