My Fav Brekfest

i like stake and eggs toast and a big cup of milk.

Created By: bfyatsw7

Uploaded To: World Wide Breakfast

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  1. bfyvmhc1

    June 17, 2016


  2. bfyvmhc1

    June 17, 2016

    i love steak

  3. bfydjch0

    June 17, 2016

    that sounds really good

  4. bfydjch0

    June 17, 2016

    I might have to try it one morning.

  5. bfyatsw7

    June 17, 2016

    i like that to

  6. bfydjch0

    June 17, 2016


  7. bfyvmhc1

    June 17, 2016


  8. bfydjch0

    June 17, 2016


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