The Brain-Changing Effects of Exercise

After completing a workout I’m usually a little tired, but I also feel more focused if I need to sit down after and do something. I have also noticed that afterward, I am in a much better mood. After watching this video I decided that I was going to try and make exercising a more normal thing. I started waking up and doing about 15 minutes of yoga before eating breakfast, and then I went on a walk around my neighborhood with my mom or spent 20-30 minutes on the elliptical. I felt that this plan helped me be more productive and overall just feel better. I really enjoyed doing this, and I will for sure do my best to include it in my daily routine going forward.

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  1. Cambrie

    May 10, 2021

    Hi Adeline05! I think that it is so cool that even though we do different exercises the results are still conclusive. I believe that both of our results have shown that the claim “exercise is the most beneficial thing for your brain” is supported. Something I think would be cool is to see if your mood or productivity/focus is better or worse after different exercises.

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