
The last 2 weeks have been a busy time for the center. On November 10 the Terraza Youth center opened to all the communities surrounding Tamarindo and there was food, games, raffles and music. It has been a journey of working collaboratively, managing our time and balancing the center with our academic studies. My communication in the last 2 weeks have been effective because I have learned to talk to my team members whenever I have questions or ideas and potential changes for the center. This has allowed me to grow as a learner, understanding the importance of communication while running a business. I think an area for growth could be being able to publicly speak to the community without being nervous, but I know as I get older this skill will improve. Since the center is now open every week, we need to find ways to stay motivated and go to the center whenever we get the chance to, that way we will talk to Ashley and see if everything is ok and if there is anything we could do to help. Another challenge that my group and I undertook, was presenting our project at CAS night which was a night where certain CAS projects told the community what their project was, I enjoyed this night because we got to show the community all the time and effort we put into this opportunity that was given to us. These past 2 weeks have probably been the most exciting and eventful weeks that the Terraza Youth Center has been through.

Created By: Jade, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Terraza Youth Center

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  1. Amy J.


    November 21, 2018

    Jade, Keep up the momentum! I can’t wait to hear how the meeting went last night. Your commitment to the project has been exemplary! Keep working on the communication piece so that everyone is on the same page and feels valued.

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