Our project is very dependent on community support, and due to this aspect we need have to have a lot of communication with them in order to get their help, as of now our project just barely started the construction phase, and we don’t have as much communication with the community as we would like and will need to have when our project really advances, we will need to teach people about composting, organic fertilizer and separating their waste so that we can have enough materials in order to start composting. The lack of proper communication within the community is one of the biggest areas in our project that needs to be improved, to do this we plan on partnering up with a biologist from the University of Costa Rica that is working with Futuro Brillante who has offered to help us give lesson to the schools and individuals at home so that they know what we need and what they can give us in order to help their communities. Communication has been a very important aspect of our CAS project as many of our setbacks during our first trimester have been caused by the lack of communication. Communication is an aspect that I need to improve, especially with people I don’t know personally, like some citizens of Matapalo, the large need for communication in our project and my need to improve my communication skills make me feel vulnerable, but through the project I hope to make this one of my strengths and not a weakness.
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