Journal Entry #27: Luis Felipe

Something I’m proud of is TheWonderment recognition certificate, CAS has been a very positive experience that I’ve enjoyed , it’s had its challenges but it also had it’s fairly rewarding moments,like last week’s community meeting where they gave out the fellowship certificate to some of the 11th grade projects including our own. This certificate was awarded for hard work on our project and community involvement.
This project idea started a long time ago, towards the end of 9th grade where my partner and I volunteered at a ongoing 11th grade CAS project, we were there the first day when we started to clear the terrain for what today is the Matapalo Community Garden and we continued to help out through the process. When it was our time to start our own CAS projects Noah and I decided to take over and do something to improve this project, we decided that there was not a lot we could do to the garden it self to improve so we set out to find a way that we could build something that involves the community and the garden, we then put together our proposition and went to talk to Lindsay the president of Futuro Brillante(the organization that Manuel worked with to build the garden) in order to see if they considered our idea beneficial for the garden and they accepted so we began to research more about organic fertilizer; We went to a local farm and they gave us ideas that we will implement into our project. As of now we are gathering funds to start the construction of our fertilizer shed in the area that we have cleaned out and prepared during the past weeks, we will soon begin construction thanks to the funds received from TheWonderment.

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