How Change Resulted For The Best

Something that I relied on was the fact that my cousin was going to be more involved in the process of building my aquaponics, I then realized that he was well too busy with his own personal life to be working along with me regarding my aquaponics. For this project I do need some guidance so it was important for me to have a mentor and that person was going to be him; yet after I realized that it simply wasn’t going to work out because it wasn’t a priority of his then I looked around me and thought to myself who is somebody that could be perfect for the job. My mom Marianela. My mother is one of the most extraordinary people I have encountered, and I’m not saying that just because she’s my mom I say this because she has so many different talents and the ability to adapt and discover with such little difficulty. For me, my mom is someone who inspires me to do better, and that’s exactly what she did with this project. She has been guiding me in the right direction on a concept of aquaponic which is new to the both of us, yes I must admit there are things we are both not know about when it comes to working in aquaponics but that is what all my research and communications with peers and Don Manuel from EARTH University are useful. For me,​ a saying that really stuck with me was when a door closes look at it as just another chance for another door to open. And that is exactly what happened with me in this situation and in the end, it even worked for the better. This reminds me that everything happens for a reason and I am grateful for this change.

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