Vacation Journal Entry: Creativity Tri Ii

As I previously stated, my family and I went to Los Angeles to attend my sister’s wedding. With this came a lot of fun experiences post and pre wedding day. An example of a creative activity I accomplished was taking polaroid pictures throughout the vacation. This included taking pictures of places we went, food we ate and the wedding itself. This allowed me to expand my horizon as well as being more open to different areas of creativity that I usually would not take seriously. I enjoyed this because I looked more into photography and did research about techniques that would help me better this skill. One of the days we went to the central market in downtown LA where we went to a ramen restaurant. I took pictures of all the little restaurants and the food. This was a fun cultural experience seeing all the different types of food they had. It was also enjoyable because we were able to try a variety of ethnic foods and explore different parts of L.A. Another creative activity I accomplished on vacation was practicing piano with my friend. We learned new songs using our phones by watching tutorials. This was a knowledgeable experience because it reminded me how to play the piano. I was a able to share this skill with my friend by teaching her a song I knew; she also taught me a song she knew. Overall both of these creative experiences allowed me to furthermore learn new things and explore different areas of creativity by teaching myself new skills.

Created By: Jade, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Terraza Youth Center

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