Progress J.e

The terraza youth center has been progressing slowly but surely over the last couple months. We have been having meetings and planning future potential events, to give us ideas on fundraisers and fun activities for the community. Although we haven’t had an event in quite some time, we recently we’re able to formulate a leadership team of students and teens that want to take initiative and learn how to be leaders of the community. This not only will teach them how to be good leaders but it also helps our progress in developing and preparing events in terms of organizing, cleaning, collecting prizes etc. I think this leadership team will bring even more success to the youth center because we need new generations to start thinking about taking over the project and carrying this out for future leaders of our community. Additionally more people will be aware about the center because we have new members that will pass around the events and news by word of mouth. The meeting we had on sunday was productive because we got to introduce ourselves and tell all the leaders our goals as a team. First we talked about all the events we can think of ( realistic and non realistic ) No boundaries just splurging ideas. Then we narrowed down our choices and each person got to pick their favorite event idea, and we wrote them down on an event planner to stay organized. Now we have a google sheets that has all the dates for each event and what we need to do for it, that way everyone has access to one document where all the needed information will be if anyone forgets or needs a reminder of what they need to do. We are trying to consistently plan events to keep the hype about the center active around the community. Overall we are super excited to get started with this team and we hope to further expand the horizon of Terraza by marketing our brand to the community and eventually to the world, step by step.

Created By: Jade, Costa Rica

Uploaded To: Terraza Youth Center

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