Purpose Journal Entry

For my project this week I sat down with my cousin Martin and my mom. We discussed the logistics of the project, it is turning out to be a lot more work than I anticipated. It’s more than having a good idea, pursuing it, getting things done in a timely manner it is putting in maximum effort for a long period of time which I would love to do it with IB, SAT and other factors this is much easier said than done. For the past couple of weeks, I have been really focused on improving my school life and ensuring that I am on top of all my work. I have been organized, managing my time, and this has been making me really motivated in my overall life. I feel like this change is really opening time for me and allowing me to alter my project in order to be ale to complete it in the most efficient and time effective way. This week I spent some time rethinking my project and changing some materials that I am going to use. I went through my house, looked through my mom’s recycling in order to find new things to use for my project. I ended up finding all the materials necessary. was able to gather the tubes that I was missing, the tank for the fish and I’m planning to make homemade filters I used a video to help guide me through the process (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAE8mZoBAmU) and it didn’t only re-enforce​ my previous understanding of the system but gave me new ideas such as homemade filter using plastic water bottles and socks. I also decided on moving my location due to convenience, I am feeling really good about working alongside the community because I feel like I could bring a different perspective. I am really excited to continue moving forward!

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